Saturday, April 30, 2011

Blockage Considerations

The pitot tube is particularly sensitive to blockage especially by icing. Even light icing can block the entry hole of the pitot tube where ram air enters the system. This affects the ASI and is the reason most airplanes are equipped with a pitot heating system.

Indications of Pitot Tube Blockage

If the pitot tube becomes blocked, the ASI displays inaccurate speeds. At the altitude where the pitot tube becomes blocked, the ASI remains at the existing airspeed and doesn’t reflect actual changes in speed.
  • At altitudes above where the pitot tube became blocked, the ASI displays a higher-than-actual airspeed increasing steadily as altitude increases.
  • At lower altitudes, the ASI displays a lower-than-actual airspeed decreasing steadily as altitude decreases.
Indications from Static Port Blockage

Many aircraft also have a heating system to protect the static ports to ensure the entire pitot-static system is clear of ice. If the static ports become blocked, the ASI would still function but could produce inaccurate indications. At the altitude where the blockage occurs, airspeed indications would be normal.
  • At altitudes above which the static ports became blocked, the ASI displays a lower-than-actual airspeed continually decreasing as altitude is increased.
  • At lower altitudes, the ASI displays a higher-than-actual airspeed increasing steadily as altitude decreases.
The trapped pressure in the static system causes the altimeter to remain at the altitude where the blockage occurred. The VSI remains at zero. On some aircraft, an alternate static air source valve is used for emergencies. [Figure 3-2] If the alternate source is vented inside the airplane, where static pressure is usually lower than outside static pressure, selection of the alternate source may result in the followingerroneous instrument indications:
  1. Altimeter reads higher than normal,
  2. Indicated airspeed (IAS) reads greater than normal, and
  3. VSI momentarily shows a climb. Consult the Pilot’s Operating Handbook/Airplane Flight Manual (POH/AFM) to determine the amount of error.
Effects of Flight Conditions

The static ports are located in a position where the air at their surface is as undisturbed as possible. But under some flight conditions, particularly at a high angle of attack with the landing gear and flaps down, the air around the static port may be disturbed to the extent that it can cause an error in the indication of the altimeter and ASI. Because of the importance of accuracy in these instruments, part of the certification tests for an aircraft is a check of position error in the static system.

The POH/AFM contains any corrections that must be applied to the airspeed for the various configurations of flaps and landing gear.

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