
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Helicopter Attitude Instrument Flying 1

Flight Instruments

When flying a helicopter with reference to the flight instruments, proper instrument interpretation is the basis for aircraft control. Skill, in part, depends on understanding how a particular instrument or system functions, including its indications and limitations (see Chapter 3, Flight Instruments). With this knowledge, a pilot can quickly interpret an instrument indication and translate that information into a control response.

Instrument Flight

To achieve smooth, positive control of the helicopter during instrument flight, three fundamental skills must be developed. They are instrument cross-check, instrument interpretation, and aircraft control.

Instrument Cross-Check

Cross-checking, sometimes referred to as scanning, is the continuous and logical observation of instruments for attitude and performance information. In attitude instrument flying, an attitude is maintained by reference to the instruments, which produces the desired result in performance. Due to human error, instrument error, and helicopter performance differences in various atmospheric and loading conditions, it is difficult to establish an attitude and have performance remain constant for a long period of time. These variables make it necessary to constantly check the instruments and make appropriate changes in the helicopter’s attitude. The
actual technique may vary depending on what instruments are installed and where they are installed, as well as pilot experience and proficiency level. This discussion concentrates on the six basic flight instruments. [Figure 6-1] At first, there may be a tendency to cross-check rapidly, looking directly at the instruments without knowing exactly what information is needed. However, with familiarity and practice, the instrument cross-check reveals definite trends during specific flight conditions. These trends help a pilot control the helicopter as it makes a transition from one flight condition to another.

When full concentration is applied to a single instrument, a problem called fixation is encountered. This results from a natural human inclination to observe a specific instrument carefully and accurately, often to the exclusion of other instruments. Fixation on a single instrument usually results in poor control. For example, while performing a turn, there is a tendency to watch only the turn-and-slip indicator instead of including other instruments in the cross-check. This fixation on the turn-and-slip indicator often leads to a loss of altitude through poor pitch-and-bank control. Look at each instrument only long enough to understand the information it presents, and then proceed to the next one. Similarly, too much emphasis can be placed on a single instrument, instead of relying on a combination of instruments necessary for helicopter performance information. This differs from fixation in that other instruments are included in a cross-check, but too much attention is placed on one particular instrument.

During performance of a maneuver, there is sometimes a failure to anticipate significant instrument indications following attitude changes. For example, during level off from a climb or descent, a pilot may concentrate on pitch control, while forgetting about heading or roll information. This error, called omission, results in erratic control of heading and bank.

In spite of these common errors, most pilots can adapt well to flight by instrument reference after instruction and practice. Many find that they can control the helicopter more easily and precisely by instruments.

Instrument Interpretation

The flight instruments together give a picture of what is happening. No one instrument is more important than the next; however, during certain maneuvers or conditions, those instruments that provide the most pertinent and useful information are termed primary instruments. Those which back up and supplement the primary instruments are termed supporting instruments. For example, since the attitude indicator is the only instrument that provides instant and direct aircraft attitude information, it should be considered primary during any change in pitch or bank attitude. After the new attitude is established, other instruments become primary, and the attitude indicator usually becomes the supporting instrument.

Aircraft Control

Controlling a helicopter is the result of accurately interpreting the flight instruments and translating these readings into correct control responses. Aircraft control involves adjustment to pitch, bank, power, and trim in order to achieve a desired flight path.

Pitch attitude control is controlling the movement of the helicopter about its lateral axis. After interpreting the helicopter’s pitch attitude by reference to the pitch instruments (attitude indicator, altimeter, airspeed indicator, and vertical speed indicator (VSI)), cyclic control adjustments are made to affect the desired pitch attitude. In this chapter, the pitch attitudes depicted are approximate and vary with different helicopters.

Bank attitude control is controlling the angle made by the lateral tilt of the rotor and the natural horizon, or the movement of the helicopter about its longitudinal axis. After interpreting the helicopter’s bank instruments (attitude indicator, heading indicator, and turn indicator), cyclic control adjustments are made to attain the desired bank attitude. Power control is the application of collective pitch with corresponding throttle control, where applicable. In straightand- level flight, changes of collective pitch are made to correct for altitude deviation if the error is more than 100 feet, or the airspeed is off by more than 10 knots. If the error is less than that amount, a pilot should use a slight cyclic climb or descent.

In order to fly a helicopter by reference to the instruments, it is important to know the approximate power settings required for a particular helicopter in various load configurations and flight conditions. Trim, in helicopters, refers to the use of the cyclic centering button, if the helicopter is so equipped, to relieve all possible cyclic pressures. Trim also refers to the use of pedal adjustment to center the ball of the turn indicator. Pedal trim is required during all power changes.

The proper adjustment of collective pitch and cyclic friction helps a pilot relax during instrument flight. Friction should be adjusted to minimize overcontrolling and to prevent creeping, but not applied to such a degree that control movement is limited. In addition, many helicopters equipped for instrument flight contain stability augmentation systems or an autopilot to help relieve pilot workload.

Helicopter Attitude Instrument Flying


Attitude instrument flying in helicopters is essentially visual flying with the flight instruments substituted for the various reference points on the helicopter and the natural horizon. Control changes, required to produce a given attitude by reference to instruments, are identical to those used in helicopter visual flight rules (VFR) flight, and pilot thought processes are the same. Basic instrument training is intended to be a building block toward attaining an instrument rating.

Blockage Considerations

The pitot tube is particularly sensitive to blockage especially by icing. Even light icing can block the entry hole of the pitot tube where ram air enters the system. This affects the ASI and is the reason most airplanes are equipped with a pitot heating system.

Indications of Pitot Tube Blockage

If the pitot tube becomes blocked, the ASI displays inaccurate speeds. At the altitude where the pitot tube becomes blocked, the ASI remains at the existing airspeed and doesn’t reflect actual changes in speed.
  • At altitudes above where the pitot tube became blocked, the ASI displays a higher-than-actual airspeed increasing steadily as altitude increases.
  • At lower altitudes, the ASI displays a lower-than-actual airspeed decreasing steadily as altitude decreases.
Indications from Static Port Blockage

Many aircraft also have a heating system to protect the static ports to ensure the entire pitot-static system is clear of ice. If the static ports become blocked, the ASI would still function but could produce inaccurate indications. At the altitude where the blockage occurs, airspeed indications would be normal.
  • At altitudes above which the static ports became blocked, the ASI displays a lower-than-actual airspeed continually decreasing as altitude is increased.
  • At lower altitudes, the ASI displays a higher-than-actual airspeed increasing steadily as altitude decreases.
The trapped pressure in the static system causes the altimeter to remain at the altitude where the blockage occurred. The VSI remains at zero. On some aircraft, an alternate static air source valve is used for emergencies. [Figure 3-2] If the alternate source is vented inside the airplane, where static pressure is usually lower than outside static pressure, selection of the alternate source may result in the followingerroneous instrument indications:
  1. Altimeter reads higher than normal,
  2. Indicated airspeed (IAS) reads greater than normal, and
  3. VSI momentarily shows a climb. Consult the Pilot’s Operating Handbook/Airplane Flight Manual (POH/AFM) to determine the amount of error.
Effects of Flight Conditions

The static ports are located in a position where the air at their surface is as undisturbed as possible. But under some flight conditions, particularly at a high angle of attack with the landing gear and flaps down, the air around the static port may be disturbed to the extent that it can cause an error in the indication of the altimeter and ASI. Because of the importance of accuracy in these instruments, part of the certification tests for an aircraft is a check of position error in the static system.

The POH/AFM contains any corrections that must be applied to the airspeed for the various configurations of flaps and landing gear.

Pitot/Static Systems

Pitot pressure, or impact air pressure, is sensed through an open-end tube pointed directly into the relative wind flowing around the aircraft. The pitot tube connects to pressure operated flight instruments such as the ASI.

Static Pressure

Other instruments depend upon accurate sampling of the ambient still air atmospheric pressure to determine the height and speed of movement of the aircraft through the air, both horizontally and vertically. This pressure, called static pressure, is sampled at one or more locations outside the aircraft. The pressure of the static air is sensed at a flush port where the air is not disturbed. On some aircraft, air is sampled by static ports on the side of the electrically heated pitot-static head. [Figure ] Other aircraft pick up the static pressure through flush ports on the side of the fuselage or the vertical fin. These ports are in locations proven by flight tests to be in undisturbed air, and they are normally paired, one on either side of the aircraft. This dual location prevents lateral movement of the aircraft from giving erroneous static pressure indications. The areas around the static ports may be heated with electric heater elements to prevent ice forming over the port and blocking the entry of the static air.

Three basic pressure-operated instruments are found in most aircraft instrument panels. These are the sensitive altimeter, ASI, and vertical speed indicator (VSI). All three receive pressures sensed by the aircraft pitot-static system. The static ports supply pressure to the ASI, altimeter, and VSI.

figure typical electrically heated pitot - static head

Review of Basic Aerodynamics

Skin Friction Drag

Covering the entire “wetted” surface of the aircraft is a thin layer of air called a boundary layer. The air molecules on the surface have zero velocity in relation to the surface; however, the layer just above moves over the stagnant molecules below because it is pulled along by a third layer close to the free stream of air. The velocities of the layers increase as the distance from the surface increases until free stream velocity is reached, but all are affected by the free stream.
The distance (total) between the skin surface and where free stream velocity is reached is called the boundary layer. At subsonic levels the cumulative layers are about the thickness of a playing card, yet their motion sliding over one another creates a drag force. This force retards motion due to the viscosity of the air and is called skin friction drag. Because skin friction drag is related to a large surface area its affect on smaller aircraft is small versus large transport aircraft where skin friction drag may be considerable.

Review of Basic Aerodynamics


Weight is the force exerted by an aircraft from the pull of gravity. It acts on an aircraft through its center of gravity (CG) and is straight down. This should not be confused with the center of lift, which can be significantly different from the CG. As an aircraft is descending, weight is greater than lift.


Thrust is a force that drives an aircraft through the air and can be measured in thrust and/or horsepower. It is a component that is parallel to the center of thrust and overcomes drag providing the aircraft with its forward speed component.


Drag is the net aerodynamic force parallel to the relative wind and is generally a sum of two components: induced drag and parasite drag.

Induced drag

Induced drag is caused from the creation of lift and increases with angle of attack. Therefore, if the wing is not producing lift, induced drag is zero. Conversely, induced drag decreases with airspeed.

Parasite drag

Parasite drag is all drag not caused from the production of lift. Parasite drag is created by displacement of air by the aircraft, turbulence generated by the airfoil, and the hindrance of airflow as it passes over the surface of the aircraft or components. All of these forces create drag not from the production of lift but the movement of an object through an air mass. Parasite drag increases with speed and includes skin friction drag, interference drag, and form drag.

Review of Basic Aerodynamics

The instrument pilot must understand the relationship and differences between several factors that affect the performance of an aircraft in flight. Also, it is crucial to understand how the aircraft reacts to various control and power changes, because the environment in which instrument pilots fly has inherent hazards not found in visual flying. The basis for this understanding is found in the four forces acting on an aircraft and Newton’s Three Laws of Motion.
Relative Wind is the direction of the airflow with respect to an airfoil.

Angle of Attack is the acute angle measured between
the relative wind, or flight path and the chord of the airfoil. Flight path is the course or track along which the aircraft is flying or is intended to be flown.

The Four Forces
The four basic forces [Figure 2-3] acting upon an aircraft in flight are lift, weight, thrust, and drag.

Lift is a component of the total aerodynamic force on an airfoil and acts perpendicular to the relative wind. Relative wind is the direction of the airflow with respect to an airfoil. This force acts straight up from the average (called mean) center of pressure (CP), which is called the center of lift. It should be noted that it is a point along the chord line of an airfoil through which all aerodynamic forces are considered to act. The magnitude of lift varies proportionately with speed, air density, shape and size of the airfoil, and angle of attack. During straight-and-level flight, lift and weight are equal

The Wing

To understand aerodynamic forces, a pilot needs to understand basic terminology associated with airfoils. Figure 2-1 illustrates a typical airfoil.

The chord line is the straight line intersecting the leading and trailing edges of the airfoil, and the term chord refers to the chord line longitudinal length (length as viewed from the side).

The mean camber is a line located halfway between the upper and lower surfaces. Viewing the wing edgewise, the mean camber connects with the chord line at each end. The mean camber is important because it assists in determining aerodynamic qualities of an airfoil. The measurement of the maximum camber; inclusive of both the displacement of the mean camber line and its linear measurement from the end of the chord line, provide properties useful in evaluating airfoils.

Hand Wire Stripper

Hand Wire Stripper

The procedure for stripping wire with the hand wire stripper is as follows (refer to figure 2-2):

  • Insert the wire into the center of the correct cutting slot for the wire size to be stripped. The wire sizes are listed on the cutting jaws of the hand wire strippers beneath each slot.
  • After inserting the wire into the proper slot, close the handles together as far as they will go.
  • Slowly release the pressure on the handles so as not to allow the cutting blades to make contact with the stripped conductor. On some of the newer style hand wire strippers, the cutting jaws have a safety lock that helps prevent this from happening. Continue to release pressure until the gripper jaws release the stripped wire, then remove.

Knife Stripping

A sharp knife may be used to strip the insulation from a conductor. The procedure is much the same as for sharpening a pencil. The knife should be held at approximately a 60ยบ angle to the conductor. Use extreme care when cutting through the insulation to avoid nicking or cutting the conductor. This procedure produces a taper on the cut insulation as shown in figure 2-3.


Conductor splices and connections are an essential part of any electrical circuit. When conductors
join each other or connect to a load, splices or terminals must be used. Therefore, it is important that they be properly made. Any electrical circuit is only as good as its weakest link. The basic requirement of any splice or connection is that it be both mechanically and electrically as sound as the conductor or device with which it is used. Quality workmanship and materials must be used to ensure lasting electrical contact, physical strength, and insulation. The most common methods of making splices and connections in electrical cables is explained in the discussion that follows.

The preferred method of removing insulation is with a wire-stripping tool, if available. A sharp knife may also be used. Other typical wire strippers in use in the Navy are illustrated in figure 2-1. The hotblade, rotary, and bench wire strippers (views A, B, and C, respectively) are usually found in shops where large wire bundles are made. When using any of these automatic wire strippers, follow the manufacturer's instructions for adjusting the machine; this avoids nicking, cutting, or otherwise damaging the conductors. The hand wire strippers are common hand tools found throughout the Navy. The hand wire strippers (view D of figure 2-1) are the ones you will most likely be using. Wire strippers vary in size according to wire size and can be ordered for any size needed.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Think Safety


Working safely is the most important thing you can do. Because of their importance, several
precautions are included as the first subject in this handbook. Of course there are more precautions, but
these are some you should think about. The keyword here is think. Think safety.
  • Never work alone.
  • Never receive an intentional shock.
  • Only work on, operate, or adjust equipment if you are authorized.
  • Don’t work on energized equipment unless absolutely necessary.
  • Keep loose tools, metal parts, and liquids from above electrical equipment. Never use steel wool or emery cloth on electric and electronic circuits.
  • Never attempt to repair energized circuits except in an emergency.
  • Never measure voltage in excess of 300 volts while holding the meter wire or probe.
  • Use only one hand when operating circuit breakers or switches.
  • Use proper tag-out procedures for regular and preventive maintenance.